Other Rapid Tests

Our lateral flow Rapid Tests are easy to use and provide accurate and quick results for labs, clinics, doctor offices, Point of Care (POC) settings and Over the Courter (OTC) home users.

It is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of a range of diseases and conditions in Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma (WB/S/P), Urine, Feces, and Sperm specimens. It also includes semi-quantitative tests for Ferritin, Vitamin D, HbA1C, and Micro-Albumin.

Product Features

  • Accurate and reliable
  • Simple specimen collection
  • Easy to use
  • Quick result, no equipment required
  • Easy visual interpretation
  • Cost-effective testing
  • Available in Dipsticks and Cassettes
  • Long shelf life at 2 years from date of manufacture
  • Room temperature storage at 2-30°C (36-86°F)
Product Cat. No. Specimen Format Cut-Off Tests/Kit CE Marks
Ferritin Rapid test OFER402 WB (Whole Blood) S (Serum) P (Plasma) Cassette 30 ng/mL 10 CE
Ferritin Rapid test OFER402H WB (Whole Blood) Cassette 30 ng/mL 1 Non-CE
Ferritin Semi-Quantitative Rapid test OFER402K WB/S/P Cassette 13-30 ng/mL 10 CE
SP-10 Male Fertility Rapid Test OSP902 Sperm Cassette 15 million/mL 1, 2 CE
SP-10 Male Fertility Rapid Test OSP902H Sperm Cassette 15 million/mL 1, 2 Non-CE
TSH Rapid Test OTSH402 WB/S/P Cassette 5 μIU/mL 40 CE
TSH Rapid Test OTSH402H WB Cassette 5 μIU/mL 1 Non-CE
Vitamin D Rapid Test OVD402SQ WB Cassette 10-30-100 ng/mL 10 CE
Vitamin D Rapid Test OVD402HSQ WB Cassette 10-30-100 ng/mL 1 Non-CE
HbA1c Rapid Test OHbA1c402SQ WB Cassette 6%~9% 10 CE
Blood Stain Rapid Test OBS901 Stain Dipstick 50 ng/mL 50 Non-CE
Blood Stain Rapid Test OBS902 Stain Cassette 50 ng/mL 10 CE
Human Semen Rapid Test OHS901 Stain Dipstick 4 ng/mL 50 CE
OHS902 Stain Cassette 4 ng/mL 40 CE
Calprotectin Rapid Test OCAL602 Feces Cassette 50 μg/g 10 CE
Lactoferrin Rapid Test OLF602 Feces Cassette 100 ng/mL 10 CE
Calprotectin and Lactoferrin Combo Rapid Test OCLC625 Feces Cassette / 10 CE
IgE Rapid Test OIGE402 WB/S/P Cassette 200 IU/mL 10 CE
Dust Mite IgE Rapid Test ODME402 WB/S/P Cassette 0.35 IU/mL 10 CE
Rheumatoid Factor  Rapid Test ORF302  S/P Cassette 25 IU/mL 20 CE
Micro-Albumin Semi-Quantitative Rapid Test OMIA101SQa Urine Dipstick 20-40-60-80 μg/mL 50 CE
OMIA102SQa Urine Cassette 20-40-60-80 μg/mL 25 CE
Micro-Albumin Qualitative Rapid Test OMAL101 Urine Dipstick 20 μg/mL 50 CE
OMAL102 Urine Cassette 20 μg/mL 25 CE
SAA Rapid Test OSAA402 WB/S/P Cassette 10 μg/mL 10 CE
SAA and CRP Combo Rapid Test OSCC425 WB/S/P Cassette 10 μg/mL 10 CE
ABO Blood Grouping Rapid Test OAB402 WB Cassette / 25 Non-CE
ABO and RhD Blood Grouping Rapid Test OABD402 WB Cassette / 25 Non-CE
(S: Serum, P: Plasma, WB: Whole Blood)                                         Not available for sale in the US

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